Another way to understand occlusion

2024 FUNFUNCTION Course Header

28-29 JUNE, 2024

2 days | ENGLISH

FUNFUNCTION is a 2-day course that offers an innovative gnathological approach, especially in the treatment of dysfunctional cases.

How many times do you say after delivering restorations to patients “go home and then you will adapt to the change in your mouth?”

But are we sure that the patient is always able to adapt? What if this doesn’t happen?

Instead of imposing the same occlusal scheme on everyone, in the FUNFUNCTION course the participants will learn to consider each patients unique and to make a personalized analysis of his/her function in order to be able to propose a tailor-made rehabilitation therapy.

Thanks to the observation of the DYNAMIC aspects of the occlusion (e.g. chewing), and to the ADDITIVE character of the 3STEP, a real REHABILITATION, and not just a reconstruction, can be offered to dysfunctional patients.

What works well, wears less and undergoes better aging. This means that restorations in a REHABILITATED and not just reconstructed mouth will have fewer problems and a longer life.

The Program

1.30 h
1.30 h
1.30 h
1.30 h


Why Gnathology?

1.30 h

Advanced Diagnosis

1.30 h

Anterior Functional Conflicts

1.30 h

3STEP Functional Exam

1.30 h


Introduction to the occlusal adjustments

1.30 h

Chewing Patterns

1.30 h

The GTest

1.30 h

The GTest

1.30 h


  • CLASSIFY the chewing pattern of patients
  • LEARN how to do and read the results of a GTest
  • UNDERSTAND the Anterior functional conflicts that lead to incisal edge wear
  • UNDERSTAND the functional causes that led to the damage (fracture of the restorations, wear of the teeth, occlusal instability)
  • INTRODUCTION to the occlusal adjustments

To your functional questions…
this course will have the ANSWER!

Advance Diagnosis

Have you recreated the functional space before restoring the anterior worn down teeth? If not, failure will happen.

Anterior Functional Conflicts

If the incisal edges break down is the patient a bruxist?

Functional Analysis

Can you analyse the function and dysfunction
of every patient in few minutes using to the 3STEP desert island protocol?

GTest & Occlusal Adjustments

Do you know where to touch and why?

Another way
to understand occlusion


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